XCat Specifications

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  • Provides a technological solution that is a significant improvement over chemical colorimetric kits
  • Trace detection – residue from spoons, beakers, baggies, pipes, liquid from syringes, pills, powders
  • Fentanyls, Amphetamines, Cocaine, Opioids, Heroin, Bath Salts, PCP – all with a single card
  • Uses chemical reactions widely used in the forensic community
  • Tested and validated by NFSTC and Virgina Department of Forensic Science as a presumptive narcotics field test kit
  • Operational cost similar to chemical test kits
  • Sampling card shelf life: 2 years


  • Uses a field presumptive test for Lead – based on Rhodizonate test
  • Detects residue from as little as 1 shot
  • Optimized sample collection with dual sampling surfaces
  • XCAT does not destroy sample (unlike other GSR field tests)
  • XCAT GSR card can be sent to crime lab for SEM confirmatory analysis – a capability that never existed before
  • Costs less than a SEM kit
  • Sampling card has a 2 year shelf life


  • Particulate detection from hands, surfaces, mail, bags, luggage, vehicles
  • Detects nitramines, nitroaromatics, nitrates and peroxides – military grade and homemade explosives
  • Applicability to diverse operations – force protection, security screening, entry control point screening, clearing of unattended baggage, military police, and intelligence gathering
  • Available wireless communication to TOC (tactical operation center)
  • Provides visible target deterence
  • Sampling card shelf life: 2 years